
Graduate stories

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Where the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences can take you.

The School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences degree programs prepare graduates for exciting careers across all sectors. Here are just a few if the things our graduates have gone on to do:

  • Antarctic exploration
  • Conservation and ecology
  • Diagnostic microbiology and immunology
  • Forensic science
  • Fraud detection
  • Journalism
  • Management
  • Patent law
  • Policy making
  • Production and quality control
  • Research
  • Sales
  • Winemaking

Our programs provide excellent training in skills highly valued by employers including scientific methodology, creative thinking, organisational skills, problem-solving and analysis and information literacy.

Anne D. Jungblut: Life in the extremes

“I have been fortunate to work with incredible people from around the world, train the next generation of scientists, and share my fascination of the natural world.”

David Flannery: Microbes on Mars

"Someone called me up very early in the morning and said ‘Hey, would you like to help us out with this Mars rover business?’"

Henry Chung: Sharing breakthroughs

“It’s a bit like reading New Scientist every day, and getting paid to do it.”

Hidayah Shahidan: Entrepreneurship for good

“It is important to explore, don’t limit yourself by working on things that are comfortable to you.”

Jacque-Lynne Johnson: Research and innovation

“As scientific technologies develop, you can push the boundaries of the type of questions you can answer.”

Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow: Democratising science

“I was thinking ‘What am I going to leave behind?’ and doing science seemed like a good way to be useful to humankind.”

Tim Owen: From the microscope to the ministry

“Uni is where you go to throw everything you understand onto the floor, smash it, and rebuild it.”

Daniel Tan: Start-up success

“I think it’s important to commercialise science to push forward new technologies that other people may have overlooked."