Our team

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Rohit Chandra, Sarah Martell, and Jan Zika collaborating at office desk, looking at computer monitor

uDash members




Abir Khazaal Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Dr Ali Najmi Engineering Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation (rCITI)
Alice Desmons Science Physics
Dr Aniko Toth  Science Biological, Earth & Environmental Science (BEES)
Anson Macdonald Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Antoine De Weck Medicine Women's & Children's Health
Dr Arash Shaghaghi Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
Professor Arcot Sowmya Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
Arpit Kapoor Science Mathematics & Statistics
Ben Duthie Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Ben Kaehler Canberra School of Science
Dr Ben Tyler Montet Science Physics
Dr Benjamin Johnston Business Management and Governance
Scientia Professor Bernard Balleine  Science Psychology
Dr Boris Beranger  Science Mathematics & Statistics
Professor Brett Hayes  Science Psychology
Professor Chandini Raina MacIntyre Medicine The Kirby Institute
Associate Professor Chung-Li Tseng Business School  Info & Technology Systems & Management
Daniel Al Mouiee Medicine SWS Clinical School
Dr Daniel Falster Science Biological, Earth & Environmental Science (BEES)
Daniel Ghezelbash Law & Justice School of Global & Public Law
Dr Daniel Mediati Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Dr David White Science Psychology
Associate Professor Dennis Stello Science Physics
Professor Denzil Fiebig  Business School  Economics
Associate Professor Eleni Giannoulatou  Medicine St Vincent's Clinical School
Dr Elma Akand  Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Elnaz Irannezhad Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor Erik Meijering Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
Associate Professor Fabio Luciani Medicine Medical Sciences
Dr Fatemeh Vafaee Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Dr Fei Huang Business School Risk & Actuarial
Associate Professor Felix Tan Business School  Info & Technology Systems & Management
Dr Feng Chen Science Mathematics & Statistics
Professor Flora Salim Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
Professor Gary Edmond Law & Justice  Law Society and Criminology
Professor Gary Froyland Science Mathematics & Statistics
Associate Professor Guoyin Li  Science Mathematics & Statistics
Hakiim Jamaluddin Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Hamid Alinejad-Rokny  Engineering Graduate School: Biomedical Engineering
Hao Xue Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
Professor Harald van Heerde Science Marketing
Hung Dao Business Economics
Professor Iain Suthers Science Biological, Earth & Environmental Science (BEES)
Dr Imran Razzak Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Associate Professor Irina Voineagu Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Dr Jack Yang Science Materials Science & Engineering
Associate Professor Jai Tree Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Professor Jake Baum Medicine Medical Sciences
Professor Jake Olivier Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Jan Hamann Science Physics
Associate Professor Jan Zika Science Mathematics & Statistics
Associate Professor Janet Chan Law & Justice  Law Society and Criminology
Associate Professor Jenny Richmond Science Psychology
Professor Jeya Jeyakumar Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr John George Lock Medicine Medical Sciences
Professor John Mattick Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Dr Jose Ferrer-Paris Science Biological, Earth & Environmental Science (BEES)
Josef Bisits Science Mathematics & Statistics
Joshua Connor Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Junbum Kwon Business School  Marketing
Kai Yi Science Mathematics & Statistics
Lecturer Kate Faasse Science Psychology
Dr Katharine Kemp Law & Justice  Global and Public Law
Professor Kathy Bowrey Law & Justice  Law Society and Criminology
Dr Katja Hanewald Business School Risk & Actuarial Studies
Associate Professor Katja Ignatieva  Business School  Risk & Actuarial Studies
Dr Laura Kelly McKemmish  Science Chemistry
Associate Professor Laurie Menviel Science Biological, Earth & Environmental Science (BEES)
Professor Lyria Bennet Moses  Law & Justice  Law Society and Criminology
Professor Marcel Dinger  Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Professor Mark Tanaka Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Professor Massimiliano Tani Canberra Business
Associate Professor Meead Saberi Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Associate Professor Mehera San Roque Law & Justice  Law Society and Criminology
Professor Moninya Roughan Science Mathematics & Statistics
Associate Professor Nikita Garg Business School  Marketing
Professor Pall Thordarson Science Chemistry
Pantea Pooladvand Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Professor Parastoo Sadeghi Canberra Engineering & IT
Dr Patrick Laub Business School Risk & Actuarial
Dr Pavel Krivitsky Science Mathematics & Statistics
Peter G Leonard  Business School  Info & Technology Systems & Management
Associate Professor Philip Chung Law & Justice  Global and Public Law
Associate Professor Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux Science Mathematics & Statistics
Prosha Rahman Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Quoc (Thong) Le Gia Science Mathematics & Statistics
Scientia Professor Richard Bryant Science Psychology
Dr Richard Edwards Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Associate Professor Robert Brooks Science Biological, Earth & Environmental Science (BEES)
Associate Professor Robert Kohn Business School  Economics
Dr Rohitash Chandra Science Mathematics & Statistics
Associate Professor Runyu Yang Science Materials Science & Engineering
Ryan Thompson Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Sahani Pathiraja Science Mathematics & Statistics
Associate Professor Samsung Lim Engineering School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Samudra Lamahewage Science Mathematics & Statistics
Professor Sarah Brough Science Physics
Associate Professor Sarah Martell Science Physics
Professor Scott Sisson Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Sean O'Donoghue Science Biotechnology & Biomolecular Science (BABS)
Dr Shafagh Waters Medicine Paediatrics
Senior Lecturer Shane Keating  Science Mathematics & Statistics
Professor Shawn Laffan Science Biological, Earth & Environmental Science (BEES)
Professor Shinichi Nakagawa Science Biological, Earth & Environmental Science (BEES)
Professor Simon Killcross Science Psychology
Professor Simone Degeling Law & Justice  School of Private and Commercial Law
Professor Sisi Zlatanova Arts, Design & Architecture  Built & Environment
Siti Mariyah Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
Dr Sonit Singh Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
Associate Professor Soufiane Boufous Science Aviation
Professor Spiridon Penev Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Steefan Contractor  Science Mathematics & Statistics
Professor Steven Sherwood Science Biological, Earth & Environmental Science (BEES)
Associate Professor Taha Rashidi Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr Thomas Britz Science Mathematics & Statistics
Associate Professor Tim Trudgian Canberra School of Science
Associate Lecturer Tom Stindl Science Mathematics & Statistics
Professor Valentyn Panchenko Business School  Economics
Professor Vinayak Dixit Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering
Associate Professor Vera Roschina Science Mathematics & Statistics
Associate Professor Wayne Wobcke Engineering Computer Science & Engineering
Associate Professor Will Cornwell Science Biological, Earth & Environmental Science (BEES)
Xiongwen Ke Science Mathematics & Statistics
Yiyi Ma Science Mathematics & Statistics
Dr Zdravko Botev Science Mathematics & Statistics
Ziyang Lyu Science Mathematics & Statistics