Water@UNSW Symposium

16 October 2024 | UNSW Library, Room 506

Filtered cards

The Water@UNSW Symposium is returning for the first time since 2011!

The symposium provides a venue for UNSW water researchers to present their work to the UNSW water community and aims to promote cross-disciplinary water research at UNSW.

Abstracts are now open! Presentations will cover all water research relating to the use and management of water resources for protecting the aquatic and atmospheric environments.

They may reflect:

  • science
  • technology
  • engineering
  • policy
  • social / environmental impact

... and much more!

All 2nd and 3rd year PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and project staff are invited to submit 200 word abstracts for oral or poster presentation.

Abstract submission closes on Friday 9 August 2024.

The draft program below is subject to change.

Time Event
9.30am Welcome
9.40am Invited alumni speaker
10.00am 4x 15 minute presentations
11.00am Morning tea
11.30am 4x 15 minute presentations
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Invited alumni speaker
1.50pm 5-minute poster presentations
3.00pm Afternoon tea and Visit “UNSW Living Water" exhibition

Registration is opening soon. For event updates, please subscribe to UNSW Global Water Institute newsletters.