
Dr Yang Yu

Dr Yang Yu

Research Associate
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dr. Yang Yu is a senior researcher in Structural Engineering and Construction Materials, focusing on 1) Sustainable construction materials, 2) Digital transformation of civil infrastructure, and 3) Smart materials for resilient structures. Dr. Yu has published over 130 peer-reviewed journal articles indexed in Web of Science (WoS), including 9 ESI Highly Cited Papers (Top 1%) and 7 ESI Hot Papers (Top 0.1%). Dr. Yu serves as an Associate Editor of Journal Frontiers in Materials (IF: 3.985) and an Editorial Board Member of Journal Science Progress(IF: 2.6). Dr. Yuis also anECR Committee Member of International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII). Furthermore, Dr. Yu has consecutively been included in the World's Top 2% Scientists List since 2021, published by Elsevier and Stanford University.


(ID: 56430081600):https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56430081600

(ResearcherID: L-7703-2016):https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/182914


Civil Engineering Building (H20) Level 7, Room CE702
  • Book Chapters | 2023
    Samali B; Yu Y; Li Y; Li J; Li H, 2023, 'The Impact of Smart Materials on Structural Vibration Control', in Automation in Construction toward Resilience: Robotics, Smart Materials and Intelligent Systems
    Book Chapters | 2022
    Yu Y; Nguyen A; Chianese RR; Gharehbaghi VR; Perera R; Low T; Aravinthan T; Samali B; Guan H; Khuc T; Le TN, 2022, 'Robustness of Deep Transfer Learning-Based Crack Detection Against Uncertainty in Hyperparameter Tuning and Input Data', in Recent Advances in Structural Health Monitoring Research in Australia
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Li H; Li J; Li Y; Yu Y, 2020, 'Dynamic Property Optimization of a Vibration Isolator with Quasi-Zero Stiffness', in Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future: Active and Passive Noise and Vibration Control, Vol. 1, pp. 289 - 295,
    Book Chapters | 2020
    Nguyen TN; Yu Y; Li J; Sirivivatnanon V, 2020, 'An Optimised Support Vector Machine Model for Elastic Modulus Prediction of Concrete Subject to Alkali Silica Reaction', in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, pp. 899 - 909,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Bao Y; Tang C; Yu Y, 2024, 'Seismic Performance of Steel Tube-Reinforced Concrete Columns after Exposure to Fire on Two Adjacent Sides', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cui R; Yang H; Li J; Xiao Y; Yao G; Yu Y, 2024, 'Machine learning-based prediction of compressive strength in circular FRP-confined concrete columns', Frontiers in Materials, 11,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ding Z; Kuok SC; Lei Y; Yu Y; Zhang G; Hu S; Yuen KV, 2024, 'A Novel Bayesian Empowered Piecewise Multi-Objective Sparse Evolution for Structural Condition Assessment', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Ge H; Dai G; Wang F; Yu Y; Liu W, 2024, 'Theoretical solution for bond-slip behavior of composite structures consisting of H-shape beam and concrete based on experiment, numerical simulation, and theoretical derivation', Engineering Structures, 302,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Huseien GF; Tang W; Yu Y; Wong LS; Mirza J; Dong K; Gu X, 2024, 'Evaluation of high-volume fly-ash cementitious binders incorporating nanosilica as eco-friendly sustainable concrete repair materials', Construction and Building Materials, 447,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Jiang P; Yu Y; Wang K; Liu W, 2024, 'Efficient Electron Transfer in g-C3N4/TiO2 Heterojunction for Enhanced Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction', Catalysts, 14,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Jiang T; Li L; Samali B; Yu Y; Huang K; Yan W; Wang L, 2024, 'Lightweight object detection network for multi-damage recognition of concrete bridges in complex environments', Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Li H; Bi K; Hao H; Yu Y; Xu L, 2024, 'Experimental study of a novel quasi-active negative stiffness damper system for achieving optimal active control performance', Engineering Structures, 299,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Li X; Deng H; Yu X; Li J; Yu Y, 2024, 'Research on the Coordinated Development of Digital Economy, Green Technology Innovation, and Ecological Environment Quality—A Case Study of China', Sustainability (Switzerland), 16,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Liu Y; Yang Y; He Y; Xin C; Ren F; Yu Y, 2024, 'Experimental investigation on effects of ultrasonic process parameters on the degree of impregnation of BF/PP composites', Materials Research Express, 11,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Lyu X; Wang W; Li H; Li J; Yu Y, 2024, 'Numerical and experimental analysis on the axial compression performance of T-shaped concrete-filled thin-walled steel', Steel and Composite Structures, 50, pp. 383 - 401,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Mi Y; Wang W; Yu Y, 2024, 'Residual Load-Carrying Capacity of Hybrid FRP-UHPC-Steel Double-Skin Tubular Column after Lateral Impact', Journal of Composites for Construction, 28,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang J; Duan Y; Lyu X; Yu Y; Xiao J, 2024, 'Axial compression behavior of coal gangue coarse aggregate concrete-filled steel tube stub columns', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 215,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang L; Yi S; Sun X; Yu Y; Samali B, 2024, 'Quantitative evaluation of bolt pre-load using coda wave interferometry and nonlinear coda wave interferometry: a comparative study', Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang L; Yi S; Yu Y; Gao C; Samali B, 2024, 'Automated ultrasonic-based diagnosis of concrete compressive damage amidst temperature variations utilizing deep learning', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 221,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang W; Lyu X; Liu X; Zheng J; Gao H; Yu Y, 2024, 'Behavior of cross-shaped stiffened concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns after fire exposure', Structures, 68,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang W; Lyu X; Zheng J; Yi S; Li J; Yu Y, 2024, 'Post-Fire Seismic Performance of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Frame Structures Considering Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI)', Buildings, 14,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wei J; Yang Q; Yu Y; Jiang Q; Li X; Liu S; Li K; Wang Q, 2024, 'Experimental study of multiscale hybrid fiber-reinforced ambient-cured LEGC under uniaxial compression', Construction and Building Materials, 411,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Xie X; Cui Y; Yu Y, 2024, 'Study of nonlinear hysteretic modelling and performance evaluation for piezoelectric actuators based on activation functions', Smart Structures and Systems, 33, pp. 133 - 143,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Yi S; Yang C; Sun X; Li J; Wang L; Gao C; Yu Y, 2024, 'Evaluation of compressive damage in concrete using ultrasonic nonlinear coda wave interferometry', Ultrasonics, 144,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Yu X; Li J; Yu Y; Song A, 2024, 'Advancing service life estimation of reinforced concrete considering the coupling effects of multiple factors: Hybridized physical testing and machine learning approach', Journal of Building Engineering, 84,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Yu X; Li W; Sun H; Qian Z; Li J; Yu Y; Gan G, 2024, 'The effect of Te-based lead-free glass powder containing Ge and Ag+ on the contact formation and electrical performance of silicon solar cells', Frontiers in Materials, 11,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zhang X; Zhu X; Yu Y; Li J, 2024, 'Transfer Learning-Based Structural Damage Identification for Building Structures with Limited Measurement Data', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Zhao J; Yu Y; Xu H; Zhang R; Ma Y; Li J, 2024, 'Multi-Directional Viscous Damping Absorbing Boundary in Numerical Simulation of Elastic Wave Dynamic Response', Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 14,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Anjum M; Shahab S; Yu Y; Guye HF, 2023, 'Identifying Adversary Impact Using End User Verifiable Key with Permutation Framework', Electronics (Switzerland), 12,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Anjum M; Shahab S; Yu Y, 2023, 'Syndrome Pattern Recognition Method Using Sensed Patient Data for Neurodegenerative Disease Progression Identification', Diagnostics, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ding Z; Yu Y; Tan D; Yuen KV, 2023, 'Adaptive vision feature extractions and reinforced learning-assisted evolution for structural condition assessment', Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 66,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ding Z; Yu Y; Xia Y, 2023, 'Nonlinear hysteretic parameter identification using an attention-based long short-term memory network and principal component analysis', Nonlinear Dynamics, 111, pp. 4559 - 4576,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Guo F; Zhang Y; Chang C; Yu Y, 2023, 'Carbon Emissions of Assembly Buildings Constrained by Flexible Resource: A Study on Cost Optimization', Buildings, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Jiang P; Yu Y; Li K, 2023, 'Hydrophilic TiO2@MWCNT/PVDF membrane for enhanced photodegradation of methyl orange in water', Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 31, pp. 1185 - 1191,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Li J; Hajimohammadi A; Yu Y; Lee BY; Kim T, 2023, 'Mechanism of PVA Fiber Influence in Foam Concrete: From Macroscopic to Microscopic View', Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 35,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Li J; Yu Y; Kim T; Hajimohammadi A, 2023, 'Unveiling the underlying mechanisms of tensile behaviour enhancement in fibre reinforced foam concrete', Construction and Building Materials, 398,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Li W; Wang Y; Yu C; He Z; Zuo C; Yu Y, 2023, 'Nano-scale study on molecular structure, thermal stability, and mechanical properties of geopolymer', Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society, 60, pp. 413 - 423,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mohammadi M; Rashidi M; Azandariani MG; Mousavi V; Yu Y; Samali B, 2023, 'Modern damage measurement of structural elements: Experiment, terrestrial laser scanning, and numerical studies', Structures, 58,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mohammadi M; Rashidi M; Yu Y; Samali B, 2023, 'Integration of TLS-derived Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) with a Decision Support System (DSS) for digital twinning and asset management of bridge infrastructures', Computers in Industry, 147,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Noori Hoshyar A; Rashidi M; Yu Y; Samali B, 2023, 'Proposed Machine Learning Techniques for Bridge Structural Health Monitoring: A Laboratory Study', Remote Sensing, 15,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Oluwasanmi A; Aftab MU; Qin Z; Sarfraz MS; Yu Y; Rauf HT, 2023, 'Multi-Head Spatiotemporal Attention Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction', Sensors, 23,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Shahab S; Anjum M; Kausar R; Yu Y, 2023, 'Elevating Decision Management in Sustainable Energy Planning through Spherical Fuzzy Aggregation Operators', Axioms, 12, pp. 908 - 908,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Talaei S; Zhu X; Li J; Yu Y; Chan THT, 2023, 'Transfer learning based bridge damage detection: Leveraging time-frequency features', Structures, 57,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Velu M; Dhanaraj RK; Balusamy B; Kadry S; Yu Y; Nadeem A; Rauf HT, 2023, 'Human Pathogenic Monkeypox Disease Recognition Using Q-Learning Approach', Diagnostics, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Wang W; Yu Y; Xie T; Wang Q, 2023, 'Editorial: Get prepared for unexpected disasters via advanced analytics and simulation techniques for urban hydraulic engineering and water infrastructure', Aqua Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 72, pp. III - IV,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Xie X; Cui Y; Yu Y; Chen P, 2023, 'Modeling and identification of nonlinear hysteresis behavior of piezoelectric actuators using a computationally efficient phenomenological model and modified cuckoo search algorithm', Smart Materials and Structures, 32,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yousefi AM; Samali B; Yu Y; Roy K, 2023, 'Web bearing design of cold-formed austenitic stainless steel un-lipped channels under localised interior loading', Thin-Walled Structures, 191,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yousefi AM; Samali B; Yu Y, 2023, 'Experimental Investigation of Sheathed Cold‐Formed Steel Sigma Studs Under Compression Loading', ce/papers, 6, pp. 1885 - 1892,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yousefi AM; Samali B; Yu Y, 2023, 'Localised Web Bearing Behaviour of Cold-Formed Austenitic Stainless-Steel Channels: Review of Design Rules and New Insight under Interior Loading', Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yousefi AM; Samali B; Yu Y, 2023, 'Web Bearing Test of Cold‐Formed Austenitic Stainless‐Steel Channels Under Interior Loading', ce/papers, 6, pp. 580 - 586,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yu Y; Hoshyar AN; Samali B; Zhang G; Rashidi M; Mohammadi M, 2023, 'Corrosion and coating defect assessment of coal handling and preparation plants (CHPP) using an ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks and decision-level data fusion', Neural Computing and Applications, 35, pp. 18697 - 18718,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yu Y; Li J; Li J; Xia Y; Ding Z; Samali B, 2023, 'Automated damage diagnosis of concrete jack arch beam using optimized deep stacked autoencoders and multi-sensor fusion', Developments in the Built Environment, 14,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yu Y; Li W; Zhang L, 2023, 'Editorial: Editors’ showcase: Smart materials', Frontiers in Materials, 10,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Yu Y; Zhang C; Xie X; Yousefi AM; Zhang G; Li J; Samali B, 2023, 'Compressive strength evaluation of cement-based materials in sulphate environment using optimized deep learning technology', Developments in the Built Environment, 16,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhang G; Chen J; Zhang J; Zhang Z; Sun M; Yu Y; Wang J, 2023, 'An Experimental Study and Modeling on the Thermo-Rheological Properties of Polyurethane-Based Magnetorheological Gel', Advanced Engineering Materials, 25,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhang G; Chen J; Zhang Z; Sun M; Yu Y; Wang J; Cai S, 2023, 'A novel parametric model for nonlinear hysteretic behaviours with strain-stiffening of magnetorheological gel composite', Composite Structures, 318,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhang L; Xia Z; He Y; Xin C; Yu Y; Ren F; Wang R, 2023, 'Fiber reinforced polypropylene composites interfacial behavior improvement fabricated by cold plasma jet SiOx nanoparticles deposition', Journal of Composite Materials, 57, pp. 1185 - 1198,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Fan J; Yao J; Yu Y; Li Y, 2022, 'A macroscopic viscoelastic model of magnetorheological elastomer with different initial particle chain orientation angles based on fractional viscoelasticity', Smart Materials and Structures, 31,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ge H; Chua Kim Huat D; Koh CG; Dai G; Yu Y, 2022, 'Guided wave–based rail flaw detection technologies: state-of-the-art review', Structural Health Monitoring, 21, pp. 1287 - 1308,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Hao J; Zhu X; Yu Y; Zhang C; Li J, 2022, 'Damage localization and quantification of a truss bridge using PCA and convolutional neural network', Smart Structures and Systems, 30, pp. 673 - 686,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Li J; Guo J; Zhu X; Yu Y, 2022, 'Nonlinear characteristics of damaged bridges under moving loads using parameter optimization variational mode decomposition', Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 12, pp. 1009 - 1026,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Li W; Yu C; Wang Y; Yao Y; Yu X; Zuo C; Yu Y, 2022, 'Experimental Investigation of Effect of Flake Silver Powder Content on Sintering Structure and Properties of Front Silver Paste of Silicon Solar Cell', Materials, 15,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lyu Z; Yu Y; Samali B; Rashidi M; Mohammadi M; Nguyen TN; Nguyen A, 2022, 'Back-Propagation Neural Network Optimized by K-Fold Cross-Validation for Prediction of Torsional Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beam', Materials, 15,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mohammadi M; Rashidi M; Mousavi V; Yu Y; Samali B, 2022, 'Application of TLS Method in Digitization of Bridge Infrastructures: A Path to BrIM Development', Remote Sensing, 14,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Nguyen A; Long Nguyen C; Gharehbaghi V; Perera R; Brown J; Yu Y; Kalbkhani H, 2022, 'A computationally efficient crack detection approach based on deep learning assisted by stockwell transform and linear discriminant analysis', Structures, 45, pp. 1962 - 1970,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Wei J; Yang Q; Yu Y; Wang Q; Zhou L; Chen F, 2022, 'Study of Bond–Slip Behavior and Constitutive Model of a New M-Section Steel-Skeleton Concrete', Materials, 15,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yousefi AM; Samali B; Hajirasouliha I; Yu Y; Clifton GC, 2022, 'Unified design equations for web crippling failure of cold-formed ferritic stainless steel unlipped channel-sections with web holes', Journal of Building Engineering, 45,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yu Y; Liang S; Samali B; Nguyen TN; Zhai C; Li J; Xie X, 2022, 'Torsional capacity evaluation of RC beams using an improved bird swarm algorithm optimised 2D convolutional neural network', Engineering Structures, 273,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yu Y; Rashidi M; Samali B; Mohammadi M; Nguyen TN; Zhou X, 2022, 'Crack detection of concrete structures using deep convolutional neural networks optimized by enhanced chicken swarm algorithm', Structural Health Monitoring, 21, pp. 2244 - 2263,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yu Y; Samali B; Rashidi M; Mohammadi M; Nguyen TN; Zhang G, 2022, 'Vision-based concrete crack detection using a hybrid framework considering noise effect', Journal of Building Engineering, 61,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Yu Y; Wang W; Shehu R; Pomaro B, 2022, 'Editorial on Special Issue “Performance Prediction, Durability and Modelling of Concrete Materials and Structures”', Crystals, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zhai C; Yu Y; Zhu Y; Zhang J; Zhong Y; Yeo J; Wang M, 2022, 'The Impact of Foaming Effect on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Foam Glasses with Molecular-Level Insights', Molecules, 27,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zhai C; Zhong Y; Zhang J; Wang M; Yu Y; Zhu Y, 2022, 'Enhancing the foaming effects and mechanical strength of foam glasses sintered at low temperatures', Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 165,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zhang G; Chen J; Zhang Z; Sun M; Yu Y; Wang J; Cai S, 2022, 'Analysis of magnetorheological clutch with double cup-shaped gap excited by Halbach array based on finite element method and experiment', Smart Materials and Structures, 31,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zhang G; Zhang Z; Sun M; Yu Y; Wang J; Cai S, 2022, 'The Influence of the Temperature on the Dynamic Behaviors of Magnetorheological Gel', Advanced Engineering Materials, 24,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chen B; Guo R; Yu S; Yu Y, 2021, 'An active noise control method of non-stationary noise under time-variant secondary path', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 149,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Li H; Askari M; Li J; Li Y; Yu Y, 2021, 'A novel structural seismic protection system with negative stiffness and controllable damping', Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 28,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Li H; Li J; Yu Y; Li Y, 2021, 'Modified Adaptive Negative Stiffness Device with Variable Negative Stiffness and Geometrically Nonlinear Damping for Seismic Protection of Structures', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 21,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Li H; Yu Y; Li J; Li Y; Askari M, 2021, 'Multi-objective optimisation for improving the seismic protection performance of a multi-storey adaptive negative stiffness system based on modified NSGA-II with DCD', Journal of Building Engineering, 43,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Li H; Yu Y; Li J; Li Y, 2021, 'Analysis and optimization of a typical quasi-zero stiffness vibration isolator', Smart Structures and Systems, 27, pp. 525 - 536,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Lyu X; Zhang L; Zhang T; Li B; Li H; Yu Y, 2021, 'Prediction and analysis of ultimate bearing capacity of square cfst long column under eccentric compression after acid rain corrosion', Materials, 14,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Mohammadi M; Rashidi M; Mousavi V; Karami A; Yu Y; Samali B, 2021, 'Quality evaluation of digital twins generated based on uav photogrammetry and tls: Bridge case study', Remote Sensing, 13,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Sadeghi F; Yu Y; Zhu X; Li J, 2021, 'Damage identification of steel-concrete composite beams based on modal strain energy changes through general regression neural network', Engineering Structures, 244,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wang G; Bao Y; Yang L; Yu Y, 2021, 'Analysis of fire resistance of square-cased square steel tube reinforced concrete (St-rc) columns', Materials, 14,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Wang W; Wu C; Yu Y; Zeng JJ, 2021, 'Dynamic responses of hybrid FRP-concrete-steel double-skin tubular column (DSTC) under lateral impact', Structures, 32, pp. 1115 - 1144,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yousefi AM; Samali B; Yu Y, 2021, 'Shear behaviour and design of cold-formed ferritic stainless steel channels with circular web openings', Structures, 33, pp. 4162 - 4175,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yu Y; Hoshyar AN; Li H; Zhang G; Wang W, 2021, 'Nonlinear characterization of magnetorheological elastomer-based smart device for structural seismic mitigation', International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials, 12, pp. 390 - 428,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yu Y; Nguyen TN; Li J; Sanchez LFM; Nguyen A, 2021, 'Predicting elastic modulus degradation of alkali silica reaction affected concrete using soft computing techniques: A comparative study', Construction and Building Materials, 274,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yu Y; Rashidi M; Samali B; Yousefi AM; Wang W, 2021, 'Multi-image-feature-based hierarchical concrete crack identification framework using optimized svm multi-classifiers and d–s fusion algorithm for bridge structures', Remote Sensing, 13, pp. 1 - 28,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Yu Y; Yousefi AM; Yi K; Li J; Wang W; Zhou X, 2021, 'A new hybrid model for MR elastomer device and parameter identification based on improved FOA', Smart Structures and Systems, 28, pp. 617 - 629,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhang T; Lyu X; Liu H; Yu Y; Xu Y, 2021, 'Analysis of Finite Element Mechanism of Axial Compressive Behavior of T-Shaped Stiffened Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Stub Columns After Uniform Fire Exposure', International Journal of Steel Structures, 21, pp. 836 - 849,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhou X; Sun J; Cui P; Lu Y; Lu M; Yu Y, 2021, 'A Fast and Robust Open-Switch Fault Diagnosis Method for Variable-Speed PMSM System', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36, pp. 2598 - 2610,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chen B; Peng F; Wang H; Yu Y, 2020, 'Compound fault identification of rolling element bearing based on adaptive resonant frequency band extraction', Mechanism and Machine Theory, 154,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chen B; Yu S; Yu Y; Zhou Y, 2020, 'Acoustical damage detection of wind turbine blade using the improved incremental support vector data description', Renewable Energy, 156, pp. 548 - 557,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chen K; Xu W; Ding Y; Xue P; Sheng P; Qiao H; Wang S; Yu Y, 2020, 'Mechanical and thermal properties of all-wood biocomposites through controllable dissolution of cellulose with ionic liquid', Polymers, 12,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Hoshyar AN; Samali B; Liyanapathirana R; Houshyar AN; Yu Y, 2020, 'Structural damage detection and localization using a hybrid method and artificial intelligence techniques', Structural Health Monitoring, 19, pp. 1507 - 1523,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Huang Y; Yu Y; Yam YS; Zhou JL; Lei C; Organ B; Zhuang Y; Mok WC; Chan EFC, 2020, 'Statistical evaluation of on-road vehicle emissions measurement using a dual remote sensing technique', Environmental Pollution, 267,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Huang Y; Zhou JL; Yu Y; Mok WC; Lee CFC; Yam YS, 2020, 'Uncertainty in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on air quality in Hong Kong, China', Atmosphere, 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Jiang P; Li K; Chen X; Dan R; Yu Y, 2020, 'Magnetic and hydrophobic composite polyurethane sponge for oil-water separation', Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Liu M; Liu P; Guo Y; Wang Y; Geng X; Nie Z; Yu Y, 2020, 'Change-point analysis of precipitation and drought extremes in china over the past 50 years', Atmosphere, 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Liu P; Tang Q; Su S; Hu J; Yu Y, 2020, 'Modeling and analysis of the two-dimensional axisymmetric acoustofluidic fields in the probe-type and substrate-type ultrasonic micro/nano manipulation systems', Micromachines, 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Qi Y; Zhang Y; Liu C; Zhang T; Zhang B; Wang L; Deng X; Wang X; Yu Y, 2020, 'A tunable terahertz metamaterial absorber composed of hourglass‐shaped graphene arrays', Nanomaterials, 10,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Ren X; Li L; Yu Y; Xiong Z; Yang S; Du W; Ren M, 2020, 'A simplified climate change model and extreme weather model based on a machine learning method', Symmetry, 12,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wang W; Lyu X; Zhang Y; Yu Y; Zhang T, 2020, 'Axial compression performance of thin-walled T-shaped concrete filled steel tubular columns under constant high temperature: Experimental and numerical study', Structures, 27, pp. 525 - 541,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yi K; Hu H; Yu Y; Hao W, 2020, 'Regularized matrix completion with partial side information', Neurocomputing, 383, pp. 151 - 164,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yu Y; Royel S; Li Y; Li J; Yousefi AM; Gu X; Li S; Li H, 2020, 'Dynamic modelling and control of shear-mode rotational MR damper for mitigating hazard vibration of building structures', Smart Materials and Structures, 29,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yu Y; Subhani M; Hoshyar AN; Li J; Li H, 2020, 'Automated Health Condition Diagnosis of in situ Wood Utility Poles Using an Intelligent Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) Framework', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 20,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zhang G; Li Y; Yu Y; Wang H; Wang J, 2020, 'Modeling the non-linear rheological behavior of magnetorheological gel using a computationally efficient model', Smart Materials and Structures, 29,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zhou X; Zhou Y; Wang H; Lu M; Zeng F; Yu Y, 2020, 'An Improved MTPA Control Based on Amplitude-Adjustable Square Wave Injection', IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 35, pp. 956 - 965,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Askari M; Yu Y; Zhang C; Samali B; Gu X, 2019, 'Real-Time Tracking of Structural Stiffness Reduction with Unknown Inputs, Using Self-Adaptive Recursive Least-Square and Curvature-Change Techniques', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 19,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Chen B; Yu S; Yu Y; Guo R, 2019, 'Nonlinear active noise control system based on correlated EMD and Chebyshev filter', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 130, pp. 74 - 86,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Gu X; Yu Y; Li Y; Li J; Askari M; Samali B, 2019, 'Experimental study of semi-active magnetorheological elastomer base isolation system using optimal neuro fuzzy logic control', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 119, pp. 380 - 398,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Li R; Yu Y; Samali B; Li C, 2019, 'Parametric analysis on the circular CFST column and RBS steel beam joints', Materials, 12,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lyu X; Xu Y; Xu Q; Yu Y, 2019, 'Axial compression performance of square thin walled concrete-filled steel tube stub columns with reinforcement stiffener under constant high-temperature', Materials, 12,
    Journal articles | 2019
    NGUYEN TN; Yu Y; LI J; Gowripalan NADARAJAH; Sirivivatnanon V, 2019, 'Evaluation of elastic modulus reduction due to ASR', Concrete in Australia
    Journal articles | 2019
    Nguyen TN; Yu Y; Li J; Gowripalan N; Sirivivatnanon V, 2019, 'Elastic modulus of ASR-affected concrete: An evaluation using Artificial Neural Network', Computers and Concrete, 24, pp. 541 - 553,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yu Y; Dackermann U; Li J; Niederleithinger E, 2019, 'Wavelet packet energy–based damage identification of wood utility poles using support vector machine multi-classifier and evidence theory', Structural Health Monitoring, 18, pp. 123 - 142,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yu Y; Li J; Li Y; Li S; Li H; Wang W, 2019, 'Comparative investigation of phenomenological modeling for hysteresis responses of magnetorheological elastomer devices', International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J; Gu X, 2019, 'Characterizing nonlinear oscillation behavior of an MRF variable rotational stiffness device', Smart Structures and Systems, 24, pp. 303 - 317,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yu Y; Samali B; Zhang C; Askari M, 2019, 'Hysteresis modeling for cyclic behavior of concrete-steel composite joints using modified CSO', Steel and Composite Structures, 33, pp. 277 - 298,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yu Y; Subhani M; Dackermann U; Li J, 2019, 'Novel Hybrid Method Based on Advanced Signal Processing and Soft Computing Techniques for Condition Assessment of Timber Utility Poles', Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 32,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yu Y; Wang C; Gu X; Li J, 2019, 'A novel deep learning-based method for damage identification of smart building structures', Structural Health Monitoring, 18, pp. 143 - 163,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yu Y; Zhang C; Gu X; Cui Y, 2019, 'Expansion prediction of alkali aggregate reactivity-affected concrete structures using a hybrid soft computing method', Neural Computing and Applications, 31, pp. 8641 - 8660,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zhang T; Lyu X; Yu Y, 2019, 'Prediction and analysis of the residual capacity of concrete-filled steel tube stub columns under axial compression subjected to combined freeze-thaw cycles and acid rain corrosion', Materials, 12,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zhou X; Li S; Lu M; Zeng F; Zhu M; Yu Y, 2019, 'New fault tolerance method for open-phase PMSM', IEEE Access, 7, pp. 146414 - 146427,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Yu Y; Li W; Li J; Nguyen TN, 2018, 'A novel optimised self-learning method for compressive strength prediction of high performance concrete', Construction and Building Materials, 184, pp. 229 - 247,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J; Gu X; Royel S, 2018, 'Nonlinear Characterization of the MRE Isolator Using Binary-Coded Discrete CSO and ELM', International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 18,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Dackermann U; Yu Y; Niederleithinger E; Li J; Wiggenhauser H, 2017, 'Condition assessment of foundation piles and utility poles based on guided wave propagation using a network of tactile transducers and support vector machines', Sensors (Switzerland), 17, pp. 2938,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Gu X; Yu Y; Li J; Li Y, 2017, 'Semi-active control of magnetorheological elastomer base isolation system utilising learning-based inverse model', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 406, pp. 346 - 362,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Ren F; Yu Y; Cao M; Li Y; Xin C; He Y, 2017, 'Effect of pneumatic spreading on impregnation and fiber fracture of continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites', Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 36, pp. 1554 - 1563,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Ren F; Yu Y; Yang J; Xin C; He Y, 2017, 'A Mathematical Model for Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite in Melt Impregnation', Applied Composite Materials, 24, pp. 675 - 690,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Ren F; Zhang C; Yu Y; Xin C; Tang K; He Y, 2017, 'A Modeling Approach to Fiber Fracture in Melt Impregnation', Applied Composite Materials, 24, pp. 193 - 207,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Yu Y; Yan N, 2017, 'Numerical study on guided wave propagation in wood utility poles: Finite element modelling and parametric sensitivity analysis', Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 7,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Gu X; Yu Y; Li J; Li Y; Alamdari MM, 2016, 'Semi-active storey isolation system employing MRE isolator with parameter identification based on NSGA-II with DCD', Earthquake and Structures, 11, pp. 1101 - 1121,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Pokhrel A; Li JC; Li YC; Maksis N; Yu Y, 2016, 'Comparative Studies of Base Isolation Systems Featured with Lead Rubber Bearings and Friction Pendulum Bearings', Applied Mechanics and Materials, 846, pp. 114 - 119,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yu Y; Dackermann U; Li J; Subhani M, 2016, 'Condition assessment of timber utility poles based on a hierarchical data fusion model', Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 30,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yu Y; Li J; Yan N; Dackermann U; Samali B, 2016, 'Load capacity prediction of in-service timber utility poles considering wind load', Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 6, pp. 385 - 394,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J; Gu X, 2016, 'A hysteresis model for dynamic behaviour of magnetorheological elastomer base isolator', Smart Materials and Structures, 25,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J; Gu X, 2016, 'Self-adaptive step fruit fly algorithm optimized support vector regression model for dynamic response prediction of magnetorheological elastomer base isolator', Neurocomputing, 211, pp. 41 - 52,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yu Y; Li YC; Li JC; Gu XY; Royel S; Pokhrel A, 2016, 'Nonlinear and Hysteretic Modelling of Magnetorheological Elastomer Base Isolator Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System', Applied Mechanics and Materials, 846, pp. 258 - 263,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Yu Y; Royel S; Li J; Li Y; Ha Q, 2016, 'Magnetorheological elastomer base isolator for earthquake response mitigation on building structures: Modeling and second-order sliding mode control', Earthquake and Structures, 11, pp. 943 - 966,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J, 2015, 'Forecasting hysteresis behaviours of magnetorheological elastomer base isolator utilizing a hybrid model based on support vector regression and improved particle swarm optimization', Smart Materials and Structures, 24,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J, 2015, 'Parameter identification and sensitivity analysis of an improved LuGre friction model for magnetorheological elastomer base isolator', Meccanica, 50, pp. 2691 - 2707,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J, 2015, 'Parameter identification of a novel strain stiffening model for magnetorheological elastomer base isolator utilizing enhanced particle swarm optimization', Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 26, pp. 2446 - 2462,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Yu Y, 2015, 'Nonparametric modeling of magnetorheological elastomer base isolator based on artificial neural network optimized by ant colony algorithm', Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
    Journal articles | 2012
    Wan J; Yu Y; Wu Y; Feng R; Yu N, 2012, 'Hierarchical leak detection and localization method in natural gas pipeline monitoring sensor networks', Sensors, 12, pp. 189 - 214,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Yu Y; Wu Y; Feng R; Wan J, 2012, 'A hierarchical data fusion method for detection of the leak of gas pipelines based on wireless sensor network', Gaojishu Tongxin/Chinese High Technology Letters, 22, pp. 1 - 7,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Yu Y; Wu Y; Feng R; Wan J, 2012, 'Optimal data propagation approach based on probabilistic model for pipeline sensor networks', Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 7, pp. 321 - 329,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Yu Y; Wu Y; Yu N; Feng R; Wan J, 2012, 'Research on node deployment based on optimal network lifetime in pipeline monitoring sensor networks', Yi Qi Yi Biao Xue Bao/Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 33, pp. 20 - 28
    Journal articles | 2012
    Yu Y; Zong G, 2012, 'Note: Ultrasonic liquid flow meter for small pipes', Review of Scientific Instruments, 83,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Yu Y; Wu Y; Yu N; Feng R; Wan J, 2011, 'Optimal deployment for maximum lifecycle in natural gas pipeline monitoring sensor networks', Journal of Computational Information Systems, 7, pp. 5359 - 5370
  • Conference Papers | 2021
    Mohammadi M; Rashidi M; Mousavi V; Karami A; Yu Y; Samali B, 2021, 'Case study on accuracy comparison of digital twins developed for a heritage bridge via UAV photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning', in International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure: Transferring Research into Practice, SHMII, pp. 1713 - 1720
    Conference Papers | 2021
    Yu Y; Rashidi M; Samali B; Mohammadi M; Nguyen A, 2021, 'Computer vision-based classification of cracks on concrete bridges using machine learning techniques', in International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure: Transferring Research into Practice, SHMII, pp. 1707 - 1712
    Preprints | 2021
    Zhang G; Zhang Z; Sun M; Yu Y; Wang J; Cai S, 2021, A Novel Parametric Model for Nonlinear Hysteretic Behaviors with Strain Stiffening of Magnetorheological Gel Based on Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Hu F; Wu Y; Yu Y; Nie J; Li W; Gao Q, 2019, 'An Improved Method for the Magnetometer Calibration Based on Ellipsoid Fitting', in Proceedings - 2019 12th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, CISP-BMEI 2019,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Nguyen TN; Yu Y; Li J; Sirivivatnanon V, 2019, 'ASR effect on concrete mechanical properties', Sydney, presented at 29th Biennial National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia, Sydney, 18 September 2019
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J; Nguyen TN; Li S; Erkmen E, 2019, 'Vibration control of MRE isolator-embedded smart building using genetic algorithm', in Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, ICAST 2019, pp. 9 - 10
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Yu Y; Nguyen TN; Li J; Sirivivatnanon V, 2019, 'Soft computing techniques for evaluation of elastic modulus of ASR-affected concrete', Sydney, presented at 29th Biennial National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia, Sydney, 18 September 2019
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Zhang Y; Wu Y; Nie J; Yu Y, 2019, 'Estimation of Continous Heel and Toe Clearances Using Foot-Worn Inertial Sensors', in Proceedings - 2019 12th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, CISP-BMEI 2019,
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Zhao C; Wu Y; Li J; Nie J; Meng X; Yu Y, 2019, 'Sinusoidal pressure generator contraction section simulation analysis', in Proceedings - 2019 2nd World Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Manufacturing, WCMEIM 2019, pp. 6 - 11,
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J; Gu X; Royel S, 2017, 'Dynamic modeling of magnetorheological elastomer base isolator based on extreme learning machine', in Mechanics of Structures and Materials: Advancements and Challenges - Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, ACMSM24 2016, pp. 703 - 708
    Conference Papers | 2017
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J, 2017, 'Sigmoid function-based hysteresis modeling of magnetorheological pin joints', in 2017 3rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics, ICCAR 2017, pp. 514 - 517,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Nguyen VV; Li J; Yu Y; Dackermann U; Alamdari MM, 2016, 'Simulation of various damage scenarios using finite element modelling for structural health monitoring systems', in Hao H; Zhang (ed.), Mechanics of Structures and Materials: Advancements and Challenges, Perth, Australia, pp. 1541 - 1546, presented at 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM24), Perth, Australia, 06 December 2016 - 09 December 2016
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Yu Y; Li J; Dackermann U; Subhani M, 2016, 'Development of a portable NDE system with advanced signal processing and machine learning for health condition diagnosis of in-service timber utility poles', in Hao H; Zhang (ed.), Mechanics of Structures and Materials: Advancements and Challenges, Perth, Australia, pp. 1547 - 1552, presented at 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM24), Perth, Australia, 06 December 2016 - 09 December 2016
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Dackermann U; Yu Y; Li J; Niederleithinger E; Wiggenhauser H, 2015, 'A new non-destructive testing system based on narrow-band frequency excitation for the condition assessment of pole structures using frequency response functions and principle component analysis', in International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2015), Berlin, Germany, presented at International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2015), Berlin, Germany, 15 September 2015 - 17 September 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Li J; Yu Y; Yan N; Dackermann U; Samali B, 2015, 'Numerical investigation on guided wave-based damage identification and severity estimation of timber utility poles', in 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII7), Torino, Italy, pp. 1820 - 1829, presented at 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII7), Torino, Italy, 01 July 2015 - 03 July 2015
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Royel S; Yu Y; Li Y; Li J; Ha QP, 2015, 'A hysteresis model and parameter identification for MR pin joints using immune particle swarm optimization', in IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 1319 - 1324,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Yu Y; Dackermann U; Li J, 2015, 'A novel damage evaluation method for timber utility poles based on wavelet packet transform and support vector machine', in 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII7), Torino, Italy, pp. 1791 - 1800, presented at 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII7), Torino, Italy, 01 July 2015 - 03 July 2015
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Yu Y; Dackermann U; Li J; Yan N, 2014, 'Guided-wave-based damage detection of timber poles using a hierarchical data fusion algorithm', in Smith S (ed.), 23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM23), Lismore, Australia, pp. 1203 - 1208, presented at 23rd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM23), Lismore, Australia, 09 December 2014 - 12 December 2014
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Yu Y; Li Y; Li J, 2014, 'A new hysteretic model for magnetorheological elastomer base isolator and parameter identification based on modified artificial fish swarm algorithm', in 31st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining, ISARC 2014 - Proceedings, pp. 176 - 183,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Yu Y; Wu Y; Yu N; Wan J, 2012, 'Fuzzy comprehensive approach based on AHP and entropy combination weight for pipeline leak detection system performance evaluation', in SysCon 2012 - 2012 IEEE International Systems Conference, Proceedings, pp. 606 - 611,
    Conference Papers | 2011
    Yu Y; Wu Y; Guo X; Feng R; Wan J, 2011, 'A probabilistic approach for energy efficient data transmission in pipeline monitoring sensor networks', in Procedia Engineering, pp. 64 - 68,
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Yu Y; Wu Y; Wan J; Chen B, 2009, 'The Application of NN-DS Theory in Natural Gas Pipeline Network Leakage Diagnosis', in Wen TD (ed.), ISTM/2009: 8TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TEST AND MEASUREMENT, VOLS 1-6, INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS LTD, PEOPLES R CHINA, Chongqing, pp. 1679 - 1682, presented at 8th International Symposium on Test Measure, PEOPLES R CHINA, Chongqing, 23 August 2009 - 26 August 2009,

Research interests:

  • Concrete Mix Design
  • Structural Damage Identification and Condition Assessment
  • Smart Materials and Structures
  • Evolutionary Optimization and Machine Learning

My Teaching

Teaching Interests

  • Construction Materials
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Mechanics of Solids
  • Structural Analysis
  • Structural Dynamics