Dr Valentin Heimhuber

Dr Valentin Heimhuber

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dr. Valentin (Tino) Heimhuber is a postdoctoral researcher within the EcoEng group at the UNSW Water Research Laboratory.

Tino is an expert in satellite and drone remote sensing and typically uses large satellite datasets and geospatial analysis for solving complex water, climate and biodiversity problems (e.g., https://github.com/VHeimhuber/InletTracker). In recent years, his research has focused on the restoration of coastal blue carbon ecosystems via tidal introduction. He has undertaken several feasibility and cost-benefit assessments for blue carbon wetland restoration projects and has developed a best-practice guideline for planning and undertaking such projects.

Tino is also an expert on climate change, global sustainability and carbon markets and frequently speaks to large audiences on these topics as part of his science-comm initiative Turnthataround.

Water Research Laboratory 110A King St, Manly Vale, NSW, 2093, Australia m: +61 403905943
  • Journal articles | 2021
    Heimhuber V; Vos K; Fu W; Glamore W, 2021, 'InletTracker: An open-source Python toolkit for historic and near real-time monitoring of coastal inlets from Landsat and Sentinel-2', Geomorphology, vol. 389, pp. 107830 - 107830,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Khojasteh D; Chen S; Felder S; Heimhuber V; Glamore W, 2021, 'Estuarine tidal range dynamics under rising sea levels', PLoS ONE, vol. 16, pp. e0257538,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Khojasteh D; Glamore W; Heimhuber V; Felder S, 2021, 'Sea level rise impacts on estuarine dynamics: A review', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 780,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Sadat-Noori M; Rankin C; Rayner D; Heimhuber V; Gaston T; Drummond C; Chalmers A; Khojasteh D; Glamore W, 2021, 'Coastal wetlands can be saved from sea level rise by recreating past tidal regimes', Scientific Reports, vol. 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Khojasteh D; Glamore W; Heimhuber V; Felder S, 2020, 'WITHDRAWN: Sea level rise and estuarine tidal dynamics: A review', Earth-Science Reviews, pp. 103166 - 103166,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Khojasteh D; Hottinger S; Felder S; De Cesare G; Heimhuber V; Hanslow DJ; Glamore W, 2020, 'Estuarine tidal response to sea level rise: The significance of entrance restriction', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 244, pp. 106941 - 106941,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kuenzer C; Heimhuber V; Day J; Varis O; Bucx T; Renaud F; Gaohuan L; Tuan VQ; Schlurmann T; Glamore W, 2020, 'Profiling resilience and adaptation in mega deltas: A comparative assessment of the Mekong, Yellow, Yangtze, and Rhine deltas', Ocean and Coastal Management, vol. 198, pp. 105362 - 105362,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Heimhuber V; Tulbure MG; Broich M; Xie Z; Hurriyet M, 2019, 'The role of GRACE total water storage anomalies, streamflow and rainfall in stream salinity trends across Australia's Murray-Darling Basin during and post the Millennium Drought', International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, vol. 83,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Kuenzer C; Heimhuber V; Huth J; Dech S, 2019, 'Remote Sensing for the Quantification of Land Surface Dynamics in Large River Delta Regions — A Review', Remote Sensing, vol. 11,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Heimhuber V; Tulbure MG; Broich M, 2018, 'Addressing spatio-temporal resolution constraints in Landsat and MODIS-based mapping of large-scale floodplain inundation dynamics', Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 211, pp. 307 - 320,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Heimhuber V; Tulbure MG; Broich M, 2017, 'Modeling multidecadal surface water inundation dynamics and key drivers on large river basin scale using multiple time series of Earth-observation and river flow data', Water Resources Research, vol. 53, pp. 1251 - 1269,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Heimhuber V; Tulbure MG; Broich M, 2016, 'Modeling 25 years of spatio-temporal surface water and inundation dynamics on large river basin scale using time series of Earth observation data', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 20, pp. 2227 - 2250,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Heimhuber V; Hannemann JC; Rieger W, 2015, 'Flood risk management in remote and impoverished areas-a case study of Onaville, Haiti', Water (Switzerland), vol. 7, pp. 3832 - 3860,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Heimhuber V; Rieger W, 2015, 'Gis-based flood risk analysis for Onaville, Canaan-Haiti', gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik, vol. 2, pp. 71 - 82
    Journal articles | 2015
    Heimhuber V; Tulbure MG; Broich M, 2015, 'Modeling 25 years of spatio-temporal surface water and inundation dynamics on large river basin scale using time series of earth observation data', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, vol. 12, pp. 11847 - 11903,
  • Working Papers | 2021
    Heimhuber V; Vos K; Fu W; Glamore W, 2021, InletTracker: An open-source Python toolkit for historic and near real-time monitoring of coastal inlets from Landsat and Sentinel-2, Wiley, ,
  • Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Khojasteh D; Hottinger S; Felder S; de Cesare G; Heimhuber V; Hanslow DJ; Glamore W, 2020, 'Impact of sea level rise on hydrodynamics of estuaries with restricted entrances', in Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference, Coastal Engineering Research Council, Vol. 36, pp. 3 - 3,
    Reports | 2019
    Bishop M; Heimhuber V; Glamore W, 2019, Module-5: Managing Local Stressors; Climate Change in Estuaries - State of the science and framework for assessment
    Reports | 2019
    Dominguez G; Bishop M; Heimhuber V; Glamore W, 2019, Module-7: Physiological Thresholds and Ecological Responses of New South Wales Estuarine Species: A Review; Climate Change in Estuaries - State of the science and framework for assessment
    Reports | 2019
    Dominguez G; Bishop M; Heimhuber V; Glamore W; Scanes P, 2019, Module-4: Ecological responses to climate change; Climate Change in Estuaries - State of the science and framework for assessment
    Reports | 2019
    Heimhuber V; Glamore W; Ataupah J; Bishop M; Dominguez G; Scanes P; Rahman P; Rayner D; Miller B, 2019, Module-3 Physical responses to climate change; Climate Change in Estuaries - State of the science and framework for assessment
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Heimhuber V; Glamore W; Bishop M; Dominguez G; Di Luca A; Evans J; Rayner D; Khojasteh D; Ataupah J, 2019, 'A consistent climate change baseline for estuarine impact and adaptation planning along the New South Wales coastline', Hobart, presented at Australiasian Coasts and Ports 2019, Hobart, 10 September 2019 - 13 September 2019
    Reports | 2019
    Heimhuber V; Glamore W; Bishop M; Dominguez G; Di Luca A; Evans J; Scanes P, 2019, Module-2 Prioritizing climatic changes; Climate change in estuaries - State of the science and framework for assessment
    Reports | 2019
    Heimhuber V; Glamore W; Bishop M; Dominguez G; Scanes P; Ataupah J, 2019, Module-1 Introduction; Climate change in estuaries – State of the science and guidelines for assessment
    Conference Papers | 2019
    Khojasteh D; Glamore W; Heimhuber V; Hottinger S; Felder S, 2019, 'Implications of tidal resonance and water depth on predicting sea level rise in estuaries', Hobart, presented at Australasian Coasts and Ports 2019, Hobart, 10 September 2019 - 13 September 2019
  • Media | 2019
    Glamore W; Heimhuber V; Bishop M; Dominguez G; Rayner D; Scanes P, 2019, Wetlands Australia 31: A new resource for assessing climate change in coastal wetlands: State of the science, Australian Department of the Environment and Energy,

My Research Supervision

6 Master Thesis students

Co-supervising 1 PhD student