Professor Merlin Crossley

Professor Merlin Crossley

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, DVC Academic Quality

Welcome to the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Quality.

We have responsibility for or contribute to:

  • The Library
  • Liaising with The Department of Education
  • Reporting on student data and approving any release of student data
  • Liaising with the Tertiary Quality Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), and managing TEQSA and CRICOS registrations etc
  • Curriculum management and systems
  • Interpreting and helping responses to Quality Indicators of Learning and Teaching (QILT) and MyExperience student surveys
  • Overseeing Academic Promotions, and related processes such as the Scientia Professorships, and various senior appointments and salary supplementation schemes
  • Supporting the Education Focussed community and the Scientia Education Academy
  • Student load planning and fee setting
  • Liaising with UNSW College (previously known as UNSW Global)
  • Liaising with UNSW Press
  • Supporting the Pro Vice-Chancellor Society
  • Supporting the Director of Teaching Practice
  • Supporting Campus Life and our community of Colleges and residences


Professor Merlin Crossley has experience leading both Education and Research portfolios, and has served as Dean of Science and in several DVC roles at UNSW. He is also a Pro-Chancellor of the university and contributes at graduations.

He is an enthusiastic science communicator, Chair of the Editorial Board of The Conversation, of UNSW Press, Deputy Director of the Australian Science Media Centre, a member of the Editorial Board of BioEssays, and an Honorary Associate of the Australian Museum.

His lab works on CRISPR gene editing to treat inherited blood disorders. He has been recognized by multiple awards, including a Rhodes Scholarship, the 2020 NSW Premier’s Award for Medical Biological Science, the 2021 Lemberg Medal from the Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

In 2021 a new species of iridescent butterfly bobtail squid was named in his honour – Iridoteuthis merlini – Merlin’s bobtail squid.

Related links

The portfolio covered by the Division is wide-ranging. Relevant links are:

Staff contacts


Samuel Christopher


Executive Assistant

Contact details

+61 2 9348 1301 


Sarah Dunbar


Director, Operations

Contact details

+61 2 9385 1094