
Dr Lana Tatour

Dr Lana Tatour

Senior Lecturer

Tatourearned her PhD in Politics and International Studies in 2017 from the University of Warwick in the U.K and holdsan MSc. in NGOs and Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Social Sciences

Lana Tatour is a Lecturer in Developmentat the School of Social Sciences, UNSW Sydney.She works on settler colonialism, indigeneity, race, citizenship, human rights, and the Middle East with a focus on Palestine and Israel. Prior to joining the School of Social Sciences, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University, and held visiting fellowshipsat the Palestinian-American Research Center, the Australian Human Rights Centre, UNSW Faculty of Law and UNSW School of Social Sciences. She is on theboard ofThe Australian Journal of Human Rights. She iscurrently working on her manuscript Ambivalent Resistance: Palestinians in Israel andthe Liberal Politics of Settler Colonialism and Human Rights,and on an edited volume together with Dr Ronit Lentin on Race and the Question of Palestine.

Morven Brown 112A
  • Book Chapters | 2023
    Tatour A; Tatour L, 2023, 'The criminalization and racialization of Palestinian resistance to settler colonialism', in The Routledge International Handbook on Decolonizing Justice, Routledge, pp. 91 - 102,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Tatour L, 2018, 'Reply', in Contending Legitimacy in World Politics, Routledge, pp. 163 - 168,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Tatour L; Tatour A, 2024, 'Toward an Anti-colonial Approach to Violent Crime among ’48 Palestinians', Journal of Palestine Studies, 53, pp. 126 - 136,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Tatour L, 2024, 'Censoring Palestine: human rights, academic freedom and the IHRA', Australian Journal of Human Rights, pp. 1 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cristiano F; Dadusc D; Davanna T; Duff K; Gilmore J; Rossdale C; Rossi F; Tatour A; Tatour L; Tufail W; Weizman E, 2023, 'Criminalisation of political activism: a conversation across disciplines', Critical Studies on Security, 11, pp. 106 - 125,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Tatour L, 2023, 'In Memoriam: Elia Zureik', Journal of Palestine Studies, 52, pp. 100 - 102,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Tatour L, 2021, 'The Nation-State Law', Critical Times, 4, pp. 577 - 587,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Tatour L, 2021, 'The “Unity Intifada” and ’48 Palestinians: Between the Liberal and the Decolonial', Journal of Palestine Studies, 50, pp. 84 - 89,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Tatour L, 2019, 'Citizenship as Domination: Settled Colonialism and the Making of Palestinian Citizenship in Israel', Arab Studies Journal, VOL. XXVII,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Tatour L, 2019, 'The culturalisation of indigeneity: the Palestinian-Bedouin of the Naqab and indigenous rights', The International Journal of Human Rights, 23, pp. 1569 - 1593,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Tatour L, 2019, 'Traces of racial exception: racializing Israeli settler colonialism', British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 46, pp. 514 - 515,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Tatour L, 2018, 'Review: Movement and the Ordering of Freedom: On Liberal Governances of Mobility, by Hagar Kotef', Journal of Palestine Studies, 47, pp. 86 - 88,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Tatour L, 2016, 'Re: The Israeli left: Part of the problem or the solution? A response to Giulia Daniele', Global Discourse, 6, pp. 487 - 492,
  • Preprints |
    Tatour L, Citizenship as Domination: Settler Colonialism and the Making of Palestinian Citizenship in Israel, ,
  • Media | 2018
    Tatour L, 2018, A History of Palestinian Dispossession, ,

Selected Grants and Awards:

  • Race, Religion, and the Question of Palestine,Institute for Religion, Culture, and Public Life, Columbia University.
  • Ibrahim Abu Lughod Postdoctoral Award,Centerfor Palestine Studies, Columbia University
  • Grant Writing Fellowship,Faculty Law, University of New South Wales
  • Research Grant, Mada al-Carmel: ArabCenterfor Applied Social Research
  • Research Grant,British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES)
  • Research Grant,Palestinian American Research Center
  • Research Grant,Council for British Research in the Levant

Tatour's doctoral research was awarded as runner-up in the Leigh Douglas Memorial Prize for best Ph.D. dissertation on a Middle Eastern topic in the Social Sciences or Humanities by the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies.

My Teaching

ARTS2754 - Development Research

ARTS2751- International Development

SOCW7852 - Politics of International Aid