Our impact stories

Research that leads to discovery.
Discovery that leads to technology.
Technology that connects humanity.

Experience the world through the eyes of our specialised technologists

Every discovery tells a story. Each one invites us to reframe our vision and approach complex questions and systems through a different lens. Collectively, we’re continuously refining our focus areas - to see and understand the world more clearly.

What does life look like through the lens of a specialist?

Packing complex ideas into compact, workable models isn’t always straightforward. Inside every microscopic detail, there is a whole unknown universe to unpack. Hear from the people who invest their lives in bringing its mysteries to the surface, to bring the wonders of engineering to the world.

Read our impact stories

How a 50% efficiency leap unlocked a $1tn industry

From the creation of the world’s most efficient solar cell technology to the democratisation of solar power itself – here’s how our research is powering a global solar revolution.


Membrane technology with a global legacy for a thirsty world

Solving water supply and wastewater disposal challenges with innovative membrane filters.


Empowering smarter food consumption with sensors

Creating future food systems to prevent food waste throughout the globe.

At the forefront of cyber security

How locally developed technology is protecting computer systems throughout the world from cyber-attacks.

Digital Transformation
Saving homes and lives with fire protective paint

From blazes to bushfires, here’s how FSA FIRECOAT paint will help communities protect their homes.

Future Technologies
Guiding the transition to 100% renewable energy

Understanding and informing clean energy transition for today and tomorrow.

Recycling Decarbonisation
Meeting the demand for large-scale energy storage

How vanadium redox flow batteries are changing the way we store energy and provide power.

Protecting large-scale coastal environments

Ensuring homes, businesses and communities around the world are less vulnerable to coastal erosion.

Enhanced virtual care through remote monitoring

How a pioneering health app is revolutionising patient experiences and outcomes.

Spotting the early signs of liver cancer with AI

How harnessing the power of machine learning for computer vision is changing the way we diagnose, treat and support those in need.

Digital Transformation
Turning quantum computing into a reality

Paving the way for silicon-based quantum processors for real-world manufacturing and applications.

Future Technologies
Converting diesel engines to run on hydrogen

How a new hydrogen-diesel engine is helping to decarbonise heavy industries in Australia and beyond.

Recycling Decarbonisation
The future of water management

Creating new and updated modelling to better prepare the world for droughts and floods.

Revolutionising biomedical implant materials

Using materials sourced from nature to engineer new and improved implants for cardiovascular patients.

The quest for the Holy Grail of clean energy

Through the creation of new and improved radiation-tolerant materials, the pathway to clean and plentiful energy is right at our doorstep.

Future Technologies
Transforming agri-waste into low-carbon materials

How converting or managing traditional waste streams is leading to new value-added products.

Recycling Decarbonisation
Expanding solutions in dialysis treatment

Improving patient experience through new technologies and techniques for stenosed and stented arteries.

Satellite technology for space and sea

Leading by example to build Australia’s space sector capability and beyond.

Future Technologies
Driving innovation in maritime robotics

How new robotics software is changing the way we monitor what’s above and below the water.

Digital Transformation