
Toolkits & Support

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Senior woman talking with young businesswoman, using laptop, sharing experience

Individual Academic Staff Support Consultations

You can make an appointment to discuss your approach to embedding career development into your program or course with an experienced Career Consultant. Our team can assist you to design an effective curriculum solution for your students and assist you to select the right activity and assessment to match your program or learning outcomes.

Career Development Theory and Pedagogy

ճ provides an excellent overview of the history of career development theory and explains the different approaches to designing effective career development education and support services.

ճ provides a framework to guide the development of opportunities to assist in the development of “skills, attitudes and knowledge that individuals need to make sound choices and to effectively manage their careers”.

UNSW Employability Toolkits and Faculty Resources

A number of UNSW Faculties offer local employability guides and supporting career development toolkits and teams.

These include:

UNSW Learning and Teaching Support

The PVC(E)  provides comprehensive support and resources to assist designing, delivering and evaluating your teaching.

  • Bennett, D., Richardson, S., & MacKinnon, P. (2015). Enacting strategies for graduate employability: How universities can best support students to develop generic skills. Sydney: Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching.

    Smith, M., Bell, K., Bennett, D., & McAlpine, A. (2018). Employability in a Global Context: Evolving Policy and Practice in Employability, Work Integrated Learning, and Career Development Learning. Wollongong, Australia: Graduate Careers Australia. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.6372506. Accessed on 14/2/2019.

  • ճ provides comprehensive support and resources to assist designing, delivering and evaluating your teaching, including how to use the , SEE and RASE pedagogical models.

    The following journals often feature research relating to employability and career development:

    • Australian Journal of Career Development
    • Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability

    MCEECDYA. (2010). The Australian Blueprint for Career Development. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. Retrieved from: . Accessed on 17/6/2019.

    Bridgstock, R., Grant-Iramu, M., & McAlpine, A. (2019). Integrating career development learning into the curriculum: Collaboration with the careers service for employability. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability. 10 (1), 52 – 72. . Accessed 17/6/2019.

    Kwok, C.Y.N. (2007). Managing uncertainty in the career development of emerging adults: Implications for undergraduate students. Australian Journal of Career Development. 27 (3) 137 – 149.  . Accessed 17/6/2019.

    Smith, M., Bell, K., Bennett, D., & McAlpine, A. (2018). Employability in a Global Context: Evolving Policy and Practice in Employability, Work Integrated Learning, and Career Development Learning. Wollongong, Australia: Graduate Careers Australia. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.6372506. Accessed on 14/2/2019.

    Watts, A.G. (2006). Career development learning and employability. The Higher Education Academy, Learning and Employability Series 2. Retrieved from: . Accessed on 17/6/2019.