Celebrating LGBTQIA+ people

In recognition of Wear it Purple Day and our mission to support LGBTQIA+ youth at UNSW, Arc, the Queer Collective, and the ally@UNSW invite you to learn more about the history of Wear it Purple and to help create a safe and inclusive environment for queer youth on and off campus.

Wear it Purple Day 30.08.24

Your Passion, Your Pride

Wear it Purple Day empowers LGBTQIA+ youth to dream big and share "Your Passion, Your Pride" with the world. By wearing purple, we celebrate and respect rainbow young people, and let them know that they have the right to be proud of who they are and who they are becoming.

For young people who identify as LGBTQIA+, the theme “Your Passion, Your Pride” is an empowering and affirming rally cry to express their true selves to the world and chase their dreams. It’s time for rainbow youth to see and feel a positive surge in successful, happy role models from the LGBTQIA+ community who are living proof it’s possible.


Ways to be an active ally:

  • Educate yourself on LGBTQIA+ identities and history 
  • Use inclusive language regardless of your audience
  • Introduce yourself with your pronouns and include them in your email signature
  • Don’t make assumptions about someone's gender or sexuality 
  • Provide an open mind, ear and confidential space for LGBTQIA+ friends, family and colleagues
  • Be an active bystander if you witness instances of homophobia/transphobia/biphobia/interphobia, no matter how big or small
  • Use some of the , including meeting backgrounds.
  • Learn about the history of Wear it Purple .

Wear it Purple 2024 Resources

About Wear it Purple

is an Australian organisation that works to support safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people. They work with schools, universities and youth organisations to provide resources, education and opportunities for LGBTQIA+ youth to engage in community.

Every year, on the last Friday of August (30 August in 2024), Wear it Purple encourages schools, universities and workplaces to run events that encourage the development of safe and inclusive spaces. 

The 2024 theme is "Your Passion, Your Pride", with artwork by Nicky Tsekouras. The artwork is a celebration of LGBTQIA+ people openly and visibly achieving their dreams in sport, art, science and more.

What started out small has now grown; however the message remains the same. Everybody has the right to be proud of who they are.

More information

LGBTQIA+ and Ally Training

Train to join a community of people who are committed to being allies to the LGBTQIA+ community at UNSW.

LGBTQIA+ community

UNSW aims to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for students, staff and visitors.